In 2015, the prevalence of HIV in the Dominican Republic was almost double the rate in the Latin American and Caribbean region. The HIV epidemic has a disproportionate effect on certain key populations, with the highest prevalence rate of HIV seen in the trans population at 18%. The Global Fund has made significant investments in national responses to HIV and TB in the Dominican Republic to strengthen and expand responses to the two diseases, focusing on key and vulnerable populations. Given the specific nature of the Global Fund’s investments, there is a risk that a funding gap will arise in some areas when it is withdrawn.
Data available from recent funding requests submitted by some of the transitioning countries as of June 2018 indicate an average funding gap of 33% with Global Fund support. The gap increases as the Global Fund transitions from the countries. This increases the risk of certain activities not being funded by governments post transition. The most pressing risk seems to be in the financing of prevention activities. International contributions to the national program currently fund most of the prevention activities. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health (MOH) contributes only 10.8% of public and international spending on prevention and education, which indicates that greater domestic absorption is necessary.
In order to respond to this need for greater domestic funding, GATE hosted a 2-day workshop on 21-22 April 2018 with trans leaders in the Dominican Republic. The focus of this workshop was to empower trans communities to reflect and plan for the future, with emphasis placed on the importance of the transition and sustainability of the trans community in the response to HIV and TB. Our local organizing partner for this activity was COTRAVEDT and representatives from 6 trans-led organizations in the Dominican Republic attended: COTRAVED, TRANSSA, TEPA, TUD, ColesDOM, and ProActividad. The outcome of this activity was to submit a Technical Assistance request to the Global Fund to make a case for increased funding to the trans community in the Dominican Republic.