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Trans Smart Trust Zimbabwe

In Zimbabwe, the lack of legal gender recognition for trans, gender diverse and intersex individuals remains a significant challenge. Trans Smart Trust Zimbabwe is dedicated to championing the well-being and rights of trans, gender diverse and intersex people in all their diversity.

  • Published
  • 22 May 2024
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© Trans Smart Trust Zimbabwe

Being trans in Zimbabwe

In Zimbabwe, the lack of legal gender recognition for trans, gender diverse and intersex individuals remains a significant challenge. Difficulties in obtaining essential documents such as birth registrations, travel papers and identity cards exacerbate these communities’ vulnerability in accessing health services and empowering their self-sustainability.

The struggle gets even worse for trans, gender diverse and intersex communities when natural disasters occur and affect Zimbabwe. The latest disaster, El Nino, culminated in a drought with water and food supply shortages, leaving many trans communities, who face discrimination, living in even more challenging conditions.

Who are Trans Smart Trust Zimbabwe?

Trans Smart Trust Zimbabwe was formed in 2012 and registered as a Trust in 2016. It has dedicated its mission to championing the well-being and rights of trans, gender diverse and intersex people in all their diversity.

Despite facing substantial legal and societal hurdles, Trans Smart Trust Zimbabwe continues, through its unwavering commitment, to advocate for the rights and dignity of trans, gender diverse and intersex communities in Zimbabwe.

What is Trans Smart Trust Zimbabwe doing for trans communities?

Through collaboration with service providers, stakeholders, and government departments, Trans Smart Trust has made remarkable strides in:
a) Improving access to healthcare — The organization ensures that individuals receive equitable, comprehensive, and rights-based HIV and STI healthcare services

b) Securing the necessary documentation — The organization has successfully partnered with the civil registry department to address this pressing issue. This is a milestone in the recognition and self-sufficiency of trans, gender diverse and intersex people. 

c) supporting with educational resources and life skills mentorship — The organization has been empowering individuals to develop resilience and self-sufficiency despite their harsh living conditions.

This proactive engagement has been essential in bridging gaps in healthcare access, education access, recognition and self-sufficiency, fostering a more inclusive environment for these communities. Trans Smart Trust Zimbabwe is a testament to the power of community! They are making significant progress in ensuring that every person, regardless of their gender identity, has the opportunity to live a life of dignity and respect.

Follow Trans Smart Trust Zimbabwe

 In Zimbabwe, advocating for the lives of transgender and intersex individuals is the core mission of Trans Smart Trust. We have advocated for significant transformations in our community’s access to health services, even though legal policies still do not recognize us. Currently, transgender and intersex people face challenges in obtaining registration, travel, and identity documents. However, Trans Smart Trust has successfully engaged with the civil registry department, which has been supportive and is now issuing the necessary documents to the community. One step at a time, we are making meaningful changes in the lives of our people.

Gumisayi Bonzo, Executive Director at Trans Smart Trust