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AIDS 2024 Satellite – Trans men and HIV: Advancing Inclusion for a Healthier Future

  • Room 13a / Channel 6
  • Wednesday 24 July 2024 at 07:00 | Breakfast served from 06:45

Organized by GATE and the Trans Men & HIV Working Group, this groundbreaking satellite session is dedicated to integrating trans men and gender diverse persons assigned female at birth (AFAB) into the HIV response.

  • Speakers
  • Anwar Ogrm Anil Pavadatan Jay Mulucha Cianán B. Russell Abhi Muchtar Daniel Benitez-Posada
  • Published
  • 22 July 2024
Trans Men & HIV satellite session GATE logo
© Trans Men & HIV satellite session

GATE is hosting this AIDS 2024 Satellite session on Wednesday, 24 July to increase awareness and knowledge of trans men in the HIV response and advance their inclusion for a healthier future.

With the Global AIDS Targets 2025 fast approaching, HIV continues to disproportionately impact the trans and gender diverse community. The exclusion of trans men and gender diverse assigned-female-at-birth (AFAB) persons from the global HIV response remains a significant barrier to achieving equity in healthcare.

Purpose & Outcome

This Satellite session aims to challenge the exclusion of trans men from the HIV response and highlight innovative approaches for inclusion by bringing together diverse experts, including researchers, policymakers, health professionals and activists.

Participants will engage in dynamic discussions and explore emerging evidence that demonstrates that the inclusion of marginalized groups can significantly enhance health responses. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding and practical strategies to prioritize inclusivity and ensure access to care for all, regardless of gender identity.

Session details

Wednesday 24 July 2024 | 07:00 – 08.00 | Room 13a / Channel 6

Full details of the session

Trans Men HIV Satellite Session Cover

Anwar Ogrm | Movement Building Lead | GATE
  • About the speaker

Anwar Ogrmhe/him

Movement Building Lead GATE Staff

Anwar Ogrm brings 15 years of experience working in the feminist, trans, decolonial and social justice movements as a trans Muslim advocate from the Global North.
Anil Padavatan standing on a street with arms crossed and smiling looking into the camera wearing a black t-shirt with the GATE logo, with short cropped red hair.
  • About the speaker

Anil Pavadatanhe/she

Health Lead GATE Staff

Anil StClair Padavatan is a non-binary trans masculine health and human rights activist.
Portrait picture of Jay Mulucha in 2024, standing in front of a brick background wearing tinted glasses and a red t-shirt, with tattoos on his arms.
  • About the speaker

Jay Muluchahe/him

Member GATE Board member

Jay Mulucha is a Ugandan transgender man, a trans and human rights activist, and Founder and Executive Director of Fem Alliance Uganda.
Cianán B. Russell
  • About the speaker

Cianán B. Russellthey

Senior Policy Officer at ILGA Europe Event speaker

Cianán is a Member of the International Working Group on Trans Men and HIV and their work focuses on intersex rights, education, health, trans rights, and the anti-gender backlash.
Abhi Muchtar
  • About the speaker

Abhi Muchtarhe/him

Member of the International Working Group on Trans Men and HIV Event speaker

Abhi is an Indonesian transman & activist with an Indigenous religious background. He is a member of the International Working Group on Trans Men and HIV since 2020.
Daniel Benitez-Posada
  • About the speaker

Daniel Benitez-Posadahe/him

Director of Trans Talent at GAAT Foundation Event speaker

Daniel is a member of the International Working Group on Trans Men and HIV and brings over six years of experience in political analysis, DEI strategies, and non-profit outreach.