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Community Engagement in C19RM Webinar

  • Online
  • 29th April 2021, 15:00-16:00 CET

GATE, GNP+, INPUD, MPACT, NSWP and LAC Regional Platform are hosting a joint webinar to discuss how communities can meaningfully engage in the Global Fund COVID 19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) Funding Process.

  • Published
  • 27 April 2021
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This webinar is being hosted in response to the urgent nature of the C19RM funding process. A member of The Global Fund will provide an introduction to the C19RM funding processes, followed by a discussion on community engagement from Key Population representatives on why to participate, how to engage and what to prioritize. A regional platform representative will then present on Technical Assistance (TA) requests, and the webinar will end with an interactive Q&A session.


Gilles Cesari – Global Fund
Johnny Tohme – MPACT
Mick Matthews – NSWP
Anuar Luna Cadena – LAC Platform


Erika Castellanos – GATE

Watch the webinar recording

Community Engagement in the Global Fund Covid-19 Response Mechanism Funding Process