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De-democratisation, Gender+ and the Politics of Exclusion in Europe: Conference Highlights

  • Seville, Spain
  • 30th June - 1st July 2022

The fundamental aim of this project is twofold. First, to develop a comprehensive and thorough understanding of the intersection of gender and other inequality axes with de-democratisation processes taking place on a local, national, and regional level in the European Union, in order to devise common strategies against them. And second, to build alliances across various domains by forging a solid network of expert scholars, politicians and civil society organisations engaged with the matter, in order to put such strategies into practice.

  • Published
  • 4 July 2022
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The second conference of the “Dedemocratisation, Gender+ and the Politics of Exclusion in Europe” project, held in Seville from June 30th to July 1st, saw leading academics, activists, politicians and members of the civil society gather in Seville for an open debate on the current assault on democracy and human rights across European countries and how to engage with citizens to uphold democratic values. The project is part of the UNESCO Chair on Interculturality and Human Rights at the International University of Andalucía.

Watch the conference highlights