For the period 2022 to 2024, the THRIVE Consortium encompassed three regional and one global trans-led organizations with an aim to advance the human rights and health of trans and gender diverse people through core organizational capacity grants.
To understand how the THRIVE Consortium has impacted trans and gender diverse rights, RAISE conducted an external assessment, examining the Consortium’s effectiveness in achieving its objectives, which focused on governance and management, financial management, sustainability and resource mobilization, human resources, and programs.
Key Findings
- Network Building: The THRIVE Consortium connected different trans rights groups globally and cross-regionally, contributing to larger and more cohesive trans movement building. Enabling connection-building between different trans groups residing in different countries to exchange knowledge and experiences and to collaborate. This is accomplished through flexible funding that can be used as core organization funding, enabling consortium members to have the capacity to organize events.
- Advancement of advocacy priorities: Through this project, core funding has enabled direct advocacy works and others identified as crucial to support or sustain advocacy efforts by Consortium members. It also contributed to strengthened internal advocacy capacity, expanded network for collaborative actions, amplified voices from diverse trans and gender diverse communities and increased the sphere of influence amongst the Consortium partners.
- Strengthened capacity of members and communities: Significant contribution to organizational capacity by providing core and flexible funding, allowing resource mobilization to various important work within trans rights advocacy while creating sustainable existence. Core funding allowed for broader staff capacity development as opposed to project activities that focused more on the long-term and at-the-core process of building a movement and network due to the nature of the grant.
Key recommendations for future actions
- Engaging potential THRIVE partners from other regions currently underrepresented – for example, Latin America, Asia and the Pacific
- A dedicated collective and safe platform for Consortium partners to exchange information and news
- The consortium could put more effort into visibility and a communications and media strategy, assuming it is safe.
- Further, document THRIVE as a case study for effective cross-regional and crossmovement networking and collaboration.
- Dedicating resources to strengthen the Consortium’s monitoring and evaluation capacity for collective learning and evidence documentation.
- Translation of materials and communication documents to in-country languages to improve accessibility and inclusivity and contribute to decolonization
- Increased funding to further scale up efforts for visibility and accessing important advocacy spaces