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Mapping Anti-Gender Movements in the UK Report

This summary report makes part of a broader mapping project commissioned by Global Action for Trans Equality (GATE). The project was focused on the United Kingdom (UK) as one of various global hotspots, where anti-gender movements have enjoyed increased efficacy in the past few years.

  • Published
  • 12 July 2022
An abstract image made with several circles with different colors on a blue background. GATE logo
© Mapping Anti Gender Movements in the UK Report | GATE

Findings presented in this brief summary report are informed by desk review, including a detailed social network mapping of 368 anti-gender and linked actors in the UK and internationally, and 1,036 relationships between them. These were analyzed using Gephi, open-source social network analysis software. Initial research was conducted in December 2020-February 2021. Additional mapping work to add to, test, and verify findings was also undertaken in May-June 2021.