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Policy Brief on Effective Inclusion of Trans Men in the Global HIV and Broader Health and Development Responses document

This policy brief presents a case for the inclusion of trans men, trans masculine persons, and gender diverse persons assigned female at birth (AFAB) in the global HIV response and broader development goals.

  • Published
  • 28 November 2023
GATE PolicyBrief TransMenHIVResponse 2023 GATE logo
© Trans men in the Trans Networking Zone at the AIDS 2022 Conference in Montreal, Canada

For whom is this document?

This Policy Brief is for use in ensuring health programs, policies, funding and advocacy efforts are addressing key issues faced by trans men in the global HIV response and is intended for:

  • national policy-makers,
  • officials within the Ministries of Health and other relevant line ministries,
  • technical specialists within global health bodies (WHO, UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNDP),
  • donor organizations (for example, the Global Fund, PEPFAR),
  • international civil society organizations.