During the 53rd Regular Session of the Human Rights Council Interactive dialogue with the Working Group on discrimination against women and girls, one of the Trans Advocacy Week delegates delivered a statement on behalf of 14 trans and gender diverse activists from the Global South and East supporting the references to LGBTIQ+ communities made by the Working Group in their report on Gendered inequalities of poverty: feminist and human rights-based approaches. This statement was delivered on 22 June 2023.
The statement, delivered by Kal Badi, commended the references to LGBTIQ+ communities in relation to tackling the lack of access to justice and reproductive healthcare, and the intersectional approach of the report in recommending the establishment of systems to collect disaggregated data considering the multiple dimensions of inequalities and poverty. The statement emphasized the need for greater awareness of the heightened levels of poverty and economic inequality experienced by LBTI women and gender diverse people, highlighting the numerous barriers faced in various areas of life shaped by the labor market and employment discrimination, as well as crosscutting exclusion from social and civil rights systems. The statement concluded by encouraging the Working Group to continue assessing the issue of poverty and inequality from the angle of sexual orientation and gender identity and pay particular attention to the specific barriers and issues faced by LBTI women and gender diverse persons.
Read the full statement, or watch the statement being delivered (video courtesy of UN Web TV)
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVpm_zE24rs[/embedyt]