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The Road to Hell: Intersex People, Sexual Health & Human Rights

For Intersex Day of Remembrance, we call upon the international community to join intersex-led efforts to put an end to human rights violations in medical settings and to make the right to truth, justice and reparations a reality for intersex people everywhere.

  • Written by
  • Mauro Cabral Grinspan
  • Published
  • 8 November 2019
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Intersex Day of Solidarity and Remembrance 2019

This October, GATE’s Executive Director Mauro Cabral Grinspan, gave a keynote lecture on intersex issues at the Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health. We are sharing his presentation today, November 8th, Intersex Day of Solidarity and Remembrance.

On this date, intersex people call for international solidarity and remembrance, honoring Herculine Barbin’s birthday. Back in the 19th Century, Herculine was subjected to invasive medical procedures and legal decisions; later, their story was appropriated by critical theory as a convenient object of study. Mauro’s presentation is focused on those contemporary practices that are continuing the long tradition of subjection and appropriation of intersex bodies and lives.

Today, celebrating Herculine Barbin’s birthday, we call upon the international community to join intersex-led efforts to put an end to human rights violations in medical settings and to make the right to truth, justice and reparations a reality for intersex people everywhere.

Mauro Cabral Grinspan speaking into a microphone wearing a black leather jacket, black-rimmed glasses and with short cropped black hair and beard
  • About the author

Mauro Cabral Grinspanhe/him

Activist, Co-Founder of GATE Guest author

Mauro Cabral Grinspan is an Argentinian activist currently living in Belgium. Over the past 25 years, he has focused his work as an advocate, researcher, writer, and trainer on bodily diversity issues, including those faced by intersex, trans, and fat people.