Dear fellow community members, partners and donors,
The past two years precipitated unprecedented crises that affected everyone across the globe, regardless of gender identity, gender expression or sex characteristics. However, it was those who found themselves at the margins of our society who were affected most by the COVID-19 pandemic, and political and civil unrest as seen in Afghanistan and Ukraine, and who continue to suffer still.
While our communities were fighting for their rights and their lives under increasingly oppressive political and social systems, GATE was doing its best to create resources to enable our communities to build their capacity and strengthen their movements, even during these trying times.
Alongside our regular role in guiding GATE’s work, the GATE Board of Directors also spent the past two years developing a new Strategic Plan for the next 5 years, ensuring the longevity of the global trans, gender diverse and intersex movement and of GATE’s role in this movement.
It is important that I acknowledge the input that GATE’s previous co-chair, Dave Scamell, gave to leading GATE through the past 6.5 years. He played an integral role in building GATE’s strength as a global organization, and we thank him for his commitment in uplifting trans, gender diverse and intersex voices everywhere.
Moving forward, I am committed to guiding GATE through the implementation of our new Strategic Plan for 2022-2026, and in growing GATE’s place in the global trans, gender diverse and intersex movement.
In solidarity,
Rikki Nathanson, Chair, GATE Board of Directors