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De-democratization, Gender+ and Exclusion Policies in Europe Conference: An Update

The second conference of the “Dedemocratisation, Gender+ and the Politics of Exclusion in Europe” project, held in Seville from June 30th to July 1st, saw leading academics, activists, politicians and members of the civil society gather in Seville for an open debate on the current assault on democracy and human rights across European countries and how to engage with citizens to uphold democratic values.

  • Published
  • 6 October 2022
An engaging illustration focused on gender inclusivity, set in the context of a conference in Seville, Spain. GATE logo
© Sevilla Conference |AI generated image

In July 2022, GATE’s gender movement program officer participated in the conference “De-democratization, Gender + and Exclusion Policies in Europe“, in Seville, Spain.

The conference was attended by scholars from various disciplines and activists working in the field.

The aim of this conference was to create synergies between the academic world and civil society, focusing on common strategies of feminist resistance against the processes of de-democratization in Europe. After three days of intensive discussions and work, the participants of the conference created position papers, which discuss the current situation as well as recommendations for various stakeholders – from state to civil society – on how to counteract antidemocratic forces and respond to de-democratization in a sustainable, socially just and feminist manner.

GATE’s representation was aimed at ensuring that a trans perspective was included in the conversations and the position papers.