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GATE Leadership Transition 2022

After 12 years of tireless work, Mauro Cabral Grinspan will be departing from his role as Executive Director of GATE on February 14, 2022.

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  • 7 February 2022
Mauro Cabral Grinspan speaking into a microphone wearing a black leather jacket, black-rimmed glasses and with short cropped black hair and beard GATE logo
© Mauro Cabral Grinspan | GATE

Monday, 7 February 2022 – After 12 years of tireless work in furthering GATE’s mission and values, Mauro Cabral Grinspan will be departing from his role as Executive Director on February 14, 2022 to take up his new role coordinating GPP’s task forces on trans & intersex funding, and on the philanthropic response to anti-gender ideologies. Since co-founding the organization in 2009, Mauro has been a significant driving force behind GATE’s growth and success.

Under Mauro’s leadership, GATE expanded and strengthened its advocacy and expert work in several areas:

  • leading international efforts towards trans, gender diverse and intersex depathologization in ICD-11, and supporting processes of legal reform based on self-determination;
  • coordinating Activists’ Delegations to attend international conferences, and participating in the creation and organization of Trans Advocacy Week at the UN;
  • producing expert publications on funding, torture, depathologization, poverty and anti-gender issues, and making them accessible through trainings and webinars;
  • increasing GATE’s capacity by expanding the Board and staff, improving internal systems and overseeing the elaboration of a new Strategic Plan. 

“Mauro’s leadership as a trans and intersex activist in the global arena has been invaluable to GATE over the past 12 years. His impact has positively influenced the direction of trans, gender diverse and intersex advocacy, not only within GATE, but within the global movement as a whole. We wish him all the best in his new chapter.”

Dave Scamell, Co-Chair, GATE Board of Directors

Over the past several months, GATE’s Board of Directors and staff have worked together to design and implement a smooth leadership transition plan. This will involve a staggered transition process, in which Erika Castellanos will hold the role of Interim Executive Director while the Board conducts a thorough search to find GATE’s next Executive Director. GATE Board of Directors is confident in Erika’s capacity to lead the organization during this transition period, as her role as Director of Programs has given her a deep knowledge of the organization’s programmatic work, operational capacity and institutional development. 

“The Board of Directors have every confidence in Erika Castellanos to steer the direction of GATE during this transition period. Her 5 years experience as Director of Programs places her in a unique position to oversee the operation of GATE over the coming months. We look forward to working closely with her to ensure a smooth transition.”

Tamara Adrian, Co-Chair, GATE Board of Directors

In the coming months, the GATE Board of Directors will release an open call for applications to select and hire our next Executive Director. 

Hear directly from Mauro and Erika about GATE’s leadership transition process in the video below. Contact us at for further information. We wish Mauro all the best in his new role with GPP.
