The Yogyakarta Principles were first created in 2006, primarily at an expert meeting in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The intention was (and remains) to apply international human rights law to sexual orientation and gender identity. The new 2017 Supplement extends the Principles to formally also include sex characteristics and gender expression.
GATE’s Factsheet on Intersex and the Yogyakarta Principles + 10 is a guideline for how the Principles can be used as a tool by people and organizations for advocacy. While widely cited in relation to the rights of people of diverse sexual orientation and (to a lesser extent) gender identity, the Principles have had even less impact in promoting the rights of intersex people.
Given the importance of the Principles in establishing the rights of people on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity, we hope that the Supplement will promote the rights of all people on grounds of sex characteristics, and gender expression. The 2017 review aims to be feminist, and intersectional, and fully reflect the needs of (overlapping) intersex and trans populations.
We hope that this fact sheet will encourage better recognition of intersex human rights issues by people who use a SOGI framework, and encourage adoption of SO/GIE/SC lenses.