The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (or ICD) is a compilation of health related categories, globally used for diagnosis, monitoring and statistics, public policy, access to healthcare, reimbursement and other associated uses. The ICD is produced by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The tenth version of the Classification, or ICD-10, is under a major revision process. This process has been scheduled to be completed in 2017, when the World Health Assembly is expected to approve ICD-11.
The removal of trans-related categories from the ICD Chapter ‘Mental and behavioural disorders’, as well as state-funded access to trans health care are two of the main objectives of depathologization efforts. In order to facilitate public coverage, since 2009 we have proposed the inclusion of a non-pathologizing mention of trans healthcare in the ICD-11, as a healthcare process not based on disorder or disease.