UN Trans Advocacy Week
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Trans activists at the United Nations raise their voices against the anti-rights pushback
At a time when the opposition to the rights of trans persons is increasingly used as a political weapon in many parts of the world, 14 trans and gender diverse activists raised their voices at the United Nations during the first week of the Human Rights Council, to an overwhelmingly positive response.
- Published
- 27 June 2023

HRC 53 Side Event: Advancing the human rights of trans persons at the UN
- Room XXV, Palais des Nations, UN Geneva
- 22nd June 2023, 15:00-16:00 CEST
This side event will share lessons learned and advocacy strategies for tackling discrimination and violence against trans communities, contributing to the promotion of trans rights at the Human Rights Council.
- Published
- 19 June 2023

Reflecting on Trans Visibility, Engagement and Success
After 4 of years waiting, GATE receives the United Nations ECOSOC special consultative status. ECOSOC status facilitates us in serving TGDI communities globally and ensuring that our interests are brought forward in all UN spaces with policy-level impacts on our lives.
- Written by
- Erika Castellanos
- Published
- 19 June 2023

UN renews crucial human rights expert mandate on sexual orientation and gender identity
The UN Human Rights Council once again reaffirms its commitment to combating discrimination and violence on the grounds of SOGI, and reminds all States of their obligations towards LGBT and gender-diverse people.
- Published
- 7 July 2022