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AIDS 2022 Global Village Trans Networking Zone: TRANSport Hub

  • Global Village, AIDS 2022 Conference
  • 30th July - 1st August 2022, 10:30 - 18:00 EDT

In the Global Village at AIDS 2022, GATE and IRGT in partnership with RED Trans Peru and TGEU are hosting a Trans Networking Zone for trans and gender diverse people and their allies. TRANSport: A TRANS and Gender Diverse Community Re-Engagement Hub aims to provide a space where trans and gender diverse activists, including youth and those living with or affected by HIV, and allies can explore challenges and best practices regarding the needs and priorities of trans and gender diverse people.

  • Published
  • 12 July 2022

The TRANSport Hub provides a safe space to network, share and exchange ideas, experiences, knowledge and strategies to strengthen our communities and local health and HIV responses. In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, our activities include themes of economic disparity and resilience.  

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TNZ logos AIDS 2022

TRANSport: A TRANS and Gender Diverse Community Re-Engagement Hub

Global Village Networking Zone – Booth 107 (Green Zone)

Open Sat 30 July – Mon 1 Aug from 10:30 am – 6 pm

Saturday 30 JulySunday 31 JulyMonday 1 August
10:30Morning meet-upMorning meet-upMorning meet-up
11:00Welcome to the trans networking zone, TRANSport!Developing a Toolkit for Providing HIV Prevention Services for Transgender Women of ColorTransmasculine & Non-Binary Meet-Up
12:00Putting together data on 95-95-95 trans people. Presentation of a tool for assessing the continuum of services among trans peopleForgotten Community: Transmasculine & Non-Binary People in HIV PreventionGRUPO FOCAL (ES) Documentando las Prioridades de la Comunidad Transgénero
14:00Intersex People & Sexual RightsThink Tank on HIV and Human RightsTrans Money
15:00COVID-19 y Mujeres Trans en LatinoAmérica (ES)Queers in UkraineThe Future of HIV Response and Funding Landscape
16:00Trans people and HIV in times of COVID-19 – Impact and strategies in Europe & Central AsiaThis is GATE’s Strategic Plan for 2022-2026Trans Women Leading Their Own HIV Response Their Own Way
17:00FOCUS GROUP (EN) Documenting Transgender Community PrioritiesWHO KP HIV Updated Guidelines & GATE Values & Preferences LaunchClosing Session

Description of sessions

Saturday 30 July

10:30 – 11:00: Morning meet-up. Come by early to check out the programme for the day, get help with navigating the conference, and meet other trans and gender diverse people.

11:00 – 12:00: Welcome to the trans networking zone, TRANSport! Meet the people behind the scenes and discover what you can expect at the TRANSport Hub during the 3 days of the Global Village.

12:00 – 13:00: Putting together data on 95-95-95 trans people. Presentation of a Guide, with practical examples, to collecting, analyzing, and using data on the availability and coverage of services within a suggested comprehensive package of HIV services for trans people at country level.

13:00 – 14:00: Break. Space for socializing with other trans and gender diverse people at the conference.

15:00 – 16:00: COVID-19 y Mujeres Trans en LatinoAmérica (ES). Panel de discusión sobre los problemas que enfrentan en LatinoAmérica las mujeres trans, una de las poblaciones más afectadas por el impacto de la pandemia en la región, en el contexto del COVID-19.

16:00 – 17:00: Trans people & HIV in times of COVID-19 – Impact and strategies in Europe & Central Asia. Raising awareness of challenges faced in Europe and Central Asia by trans people living with HIV, and trans organizations providing HIV services, during the COVID-19 pandemic, while sharing good practices to support a sustainable and resilient trans movement.

17:00 – 18:00: FOCUS GROUP (EN) – Documenting Transgender Community Priorities. Guided discussion to engage the trans and gender diverse community in identifying and documenting the most compelling and urgent themes globally for their communities regarding health outcomes. NOTA: Esta discusión tendrá lugar en español el lunes 1 de agosto, 12:00 – 13:00.

Sunday 31 July

10:30 – 11:00: Morning meet-up. Come by early to check out the programme for the day, get help with navigating the conference, and meet other trans and gender diverse people.

11:00 – 12:00: Developing a Toolkit for Providing HIV Prevention Services for Transgender Women of Color. Presentation of the development process and resulting toolkit aimed at holistically supporting the health and well-being of trans women of color in the U.S., a key population that disproportionately faces high levels of structural stigma and discrimination.

13:00 – 14:00: Break. Space for socializing with other trans and gender diverse people at the conference.

15:00 – 16:00: Queers in Ukraine. Panel discussion with activists about how trans people live in Ukraine now, with an overview of how queer shelters operate.

Monday 1 August

10:30 – 11:00: Morning meet-up. Come by early to check out the programme for the day, get help with navigating the conference, and meet other trans and gender diverse people.

11:00 – 12:00: Transmasculine & Non-Binary Meet-Up. This is a socializing opportunity for transmasculine & non-binary assigned female at birth (AFAB) people.

12:00 – 13:00: GRUPO FOCAL (ES) – Documentando las Prioridades de la Comunidad Transgénero. Discusión guiada para involucrar a la comunidad trans y de género diversa en la identificación y documentación de los temas más urgentes y urgentes a nivel mundial para sus comunidades con respecto a los resultados de salud. NOTE: This discussion will take place in English on Saturday 30 July, 17:00 – 18:00.

13:00 – 14:00: Break. Space for socializing with other trans and gender diverse people at the conference.

14:00 – 15:00: Trans Money. Panel discussion with representatives from donor organizations on opportunities to increase financial flows, and the future of finance, for trans initiatives.

16:00 – 17:00: Trans Women Leading Their Own HIV Response Their Own Way