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GATE at AIDS 2024 Highlights

AIDS 2024 has come to an end we couldn’t be more proud of trans and gender diverse participation at the event. Here are some of the highlights that you can’t miss!

  • Published
  • 28 August 2024
global trans declaration moment GATE logo
© Trans activists shouting at AIDS 2024 opening ceremony after reading the global trans declaration.

1. Jay Mulucha speaking at the AIDS 2024 opening ceremony

Jay is a Ugandan trans man, human rights activist, and Executive Director of Fem Alliance Uganda. You can watch parts of his speech here.

2. Jemma Samiptol read the Global Trans Declaration at the AIDS 2024 opening ceremony

Prior to the Unite! Advocate! Thrive! Global Trans Conference 2024, trans and gender diverse activists from around the world united to craft this powerful declaration which highlights the challenges facing our trans and gender diverse communities and amplifies our voices globally. You can read and sign the declaration here.

You can watch Jemma Samitpol, Clinic Supervisor at Tangerine Clinic, Bangkok, reading the declaration here.

3. Princess Stéphanie of Monaco visited GATE at the Global Village

GATE welcomed Winnie Bouman, UNAIDS Executive Director, Princess Stéphanie of Monaco and Birgit Poniatowski, IAS Executive Director at the Global Village, presenting some of the challenges of trans and gender diverse communities and how we work in advancing equality for all.

Princess of Monaco, Stéphanie
Winnie Bouman – UNAIDS Executive Director, Jay Mulucha – FEMA Executive Director, Princess Stéphanie of Monaco, Naomhán O’Connor – GATE’s Director of Communications, Andreo Gustavo – GATE’s Communications Officer and Birgit Poniatowski, IAS Executive Director

4. Trans-only-led sessions & Trans panelists as experts

At least two trans-only-led sessions were presented at AIDS 2024. Many more trans leaders were invited speakers at the AIDS 2024 Conference, presenting their work as health experts.

5. Manisha Dhakal received the Elizabeth Tailor Human Rights Award

Manisha Dhakal, Executive Director of Blue Diamond Society received the Elizabeth Tailor Human Rights Award, recognizing her effort in achieving major breakthroughs and her exceptional courage for human rights in the HIV field.

Manisha Dhakal receiving the Elizabeth Tailor Human Rights Award
Manisha Dhakal receiving the Elizabeth Tailor Human Rights Award