Strengthening Community Engagement in Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 document
The Strengthening Communities’ Engagement in Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 workshop aimed to enhance the capacities of Key Population communities to effectively engage in GC7 funding cycle processes and support the implementation of GF Strategy 2023-2028.
- Published
- 30 December 2022

Increasing Trans Inclusion in HIV NSPs: Learnings from Community Advocacy in Five Countries document
Based on a yearlong project, amfAR and Global Action for Trans Equality (GATE) have released a new report, Increasing Trans Inclusion in HIV/AIDS National Strategic Planning: Learnings from Community Advocacy in Five Countries.
- Published
- 22 December 2022

De-democratization, Gender+ and the Politics of Exclusion in Europe: Conference Report documents
Opposition against gender+ equality policies and movements in Europe is on the rise. Broadly defined as “any activity in which a perspective opposing feminist politics and gender+ equality policy is articulated in a way that can be expected to influence or is actually influencing politics or policymaking at any stage” (Verloo, 2018: 6), it poses serious challenges not only to gender+ equality itself but to democracy more broadly.
- Published
- 6 October 2022