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The Road to Hell: Intersex People, Sexual Health & Human Rights
For Intersex Day of Remembrance, we call upon the international community to join intersex-led efforts to put an end to human rights violations in medical settings and to make the right to truth, justice and reparations a reality for intersex people everywhere.
- Written by
- Mauro Cabral Grinspan
- Published
- 8 November 2019
Joint Statement on ICD-11 process for trans & gender diverse people
The ICD-11 is to be voted in at the 72nd World Health Assembly. After moving trans-related categories out of the Chapter on Mental Health, the next steps in the process include getting rid of the remaining pathologizing language and advancing towards legal depathologization and universal health coverage.
- Published
- 24 May 2019
Press Release: ICD-11 depathologizes Trans & Gender Diverse identities
Organisations from across the world have signed a joint statement and Call to Action to join with us in working together to fully dismantle pathologization. Trans identities are formally de-psycho-pathologized in the ICD-11.
- Published
- 24 May 2019