Human Rights
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International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers
ATE joins the voices of trans and sex worker organization and activists around the world calling for the urgent decriminalization of sex work and an end to legal oppression, equal protection from law enforcement and criminal justice systems, and end to the use of condoms as ‘evidence’ of sex work, as this prevents the practice of safe sex, and equal access to rights-based health and social services for sex workers.
- Published
- 17 December 2018
WPATH, Listen!
WPATH has a unique responsibility to protect and promote the rights of trans and gender diverse people and, by association, intersex people, in order to ensure that it does not tacitly act as a tool of oppression against those on whom their clinical and research practice is focused. // WPATH tiene la responsabilidad única de proteger y promover los derechos de las personas trans y de género diverso y, por asociación, de las personas intersex, a fin de garantizar que no actúe tácitamente como herramienta de opresión contra aquelles en quienes que se enfocan sus prácticas clínicas y de investigación.
- Published
- 7 December 2018
Where is the evidence?
Intersex activists and experts have spent at least 25 years disclosing and bringing to light strong evidence against unconsented and unnecessary medical interventions on intersex people. These interventions lack any sound evidence to support them and their rationales. In recent years, UN Treaty Bodies and many other human rights instruments and institutions have responded to these testimonies [1]. However, they persist.
- Published
- 26 October 2018
Statement Welcoming New Report by Independent Expert on SOGI
Celebrate the new Report released by the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI), Victor Madrigal-Borloz. We express our sincere gratitude for his contribution to changing historical marginalization, and for giving trans and gender diverse people’s human rights the careful attention they deserve.
- Published
- 24 September 2018

HRC 37 Side Event: Gender, Depathologization and Human Rights
- Room XXV, Palais des Nations, UN Geneva
- 6th March 2018, 09:00-10:30 CET
GATE and ILGA will be hosting a side event to the 37th Human Rights Council. A panel of experts will discuss how pathologization is a specific root cause for human rights violations
- Published
- 1 March 2018